Thursday, October 19, 2006


Is it just me or is my "Works in Progress" list growing at an alarming rate...

Yes I do have four pairs of socks on the needles at the moment *blushes a fiery red to match the latest lace scarf* and the only thing stopping me from casting on more is the lack of a ball winder.

I soooooo want to start a shrug as well - I have the pattern all figured out in my head and have my eye on some yarn at work. An empty purse and some few shreds of a sense of reality are just managing to hold me back.

Did I mention that working in a yarn shop is VERY dangerous...


At 12:14 pm, Blogger Auntie Noo said...

Did you start them all since you arrived here?? Or did you bring them with you. Scenario a = very dangerous, secenario b = just normal for a knitter's life!!!

At 5:09 pm, Blogger dianemulholland said...

Most since I arrived. I made a huge effort to trim my wips down before I left ;-)

At 6:29 pm, Blogger Michelle said...

So now that you have daily access to a ball winder, I may have to become your WIP police.

At 7:35 pm, Blogger caroline said...

Good luck with your new job. It was good to meet you last Wednesday and hope to see you again on future Wednesdays when I come along for the knitting group.

At 7:18 pm, Blogger yvette said...

I can't imagine working in Stash, I loved it when I visited there on opening week, I would never have any wages!

At 8:30 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know you work in a yarn shop???? Lucky you!!!! Which shop??? And four pairs of socks otn?? YOu're worse than me. LOL. I'm down to one pair now but did have 3 pairs a few days ago.

LOL, just read las tpost and assume you work in Stash then. YOu lucky, lucky girl. I'm just so envious.


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