Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Two Packages!!!!!!

One in the mailbox and one I had to dash to the post office for before they shut. Imagine if I'd decided to stay late at work *gasps in horror*

My bookmark exchange parcel was here waiting for me - thanks so much Juli!
It contained two crimis by authors new to me, a lovely purple heart bookmark and orange tea which I'm drinking now yum!

The package at the post office was from Angel Yarns. Not only did they manage to get my order halfway around the world in only three working days, but they also included a surprise birthday present - thanks so much guys, how did you know I needed 2.5mm needles?!?! Can't wait to try out my new Addis, must go knit!


At 7:38 am, Blogger Badger said...

Ooh, 2 nice packages there! And I swear Adriana at AY is some sort of psychic witch - she always seems to send me exactly what I need as a freebie too :)

At 6:25 pm, Blogger Auntie Noo said...

ahhh aren't those angels just. . . . . well angels really!!! - Are you getting excited yet???!!!!

At 4:22 am, Blogger Carrie K said...

Oh, nice, nice packages!


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