Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Helloooo, brain?

Last night I finished both the socks I had on the needles so I was all set to start a new one today. I carefully packed my sock bag with: ball of yarn, first sock to make sure it matched, waste yarn, crochet hook for cast on. Notice anything MISSING?!?? Yup, forgot to take knitting needles :-/

Needless (hahaha ROFLOL funny pun) to say, I didn't do any knitting at lunchtime today.

Ciao :-)


At 2:11 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you mean YOU WASTED ALL LUNCHTIME? Why didn't you crochet something? Wasn't there a girl in Greece who wove or knitted all day and unravelled her work overnight?

At 8:51 am, Blogger Badger said...

Doh! Happens to us all (on a regular basis for me!) ;)

At 10:14 pm, Blogger the stripey tiger said...

HI Diane, Thanks for visiting my blog!! I'm sorry I didn't answer your question about The Sheep Show. No I didn't get down there but my friend and spinning teacher/guru/lys owner Kerry did she took a ute two friends and spent $3000!!!! Did you get there?? I've finished the bag now and its pretty cute!

Re the needles thing I've done that. Taken teh project on eth needle and left the second needle at home. Sooo frustrating. Your book mark is lovely BTW.
Cheers :-)
Sharon aka the stripey tiger


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